Chylothorax Associated With Cryptococcal Mediastinal Granuloma in a Cat

A 10‐year‐old neutered female cat had chylothorax, precaval syndrome, and a mediastinal granuloma resulting from infection with Cryptococcus neoformans. Diagnosis of a chylous effusion was made by cytologic examination of pleural fluid and by finding higher triglyceride levels in the effusion than in serum (825 vs. 64 mg/dl, respectively). Postmortem examination revealed cryptococcal organisms in the mediastinal granuloma, lungs, cerebral meninges, and connective tissues adjacent to the thyroid gland. Chylous effusion in a cat associated with cryptococcosis has not been reported previously. Cryptococcosis should be included in the differential diagnosis in chylous effusions in cats.

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