Nitrogen Uptake and Accumulation in Grains of Three Winter Wheat Varieties with Altered Source—Sink Ratios

In two pot experiments, removal of the top halves of ears (halving) of three winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties at various times after anthesis increased the nitrogen content in the grains of the lower half of the ear. The increase was greater with early (anthesis and 5 d later) than late (15 and 25 d post-anthesis) removal in the Splendeur and Hobbit varieties, but there were no significant differences among halving times in Maris Huntsman. Halving also increased nitrogen as a percentage of dry weight of grain. The percentage of nitrogen in the grain decreased as the time of halving was delayed in Splendeur (expt. 1) and Hobbit, but was unaffected by the time of halving in Splendeur (expt. 2) and Maris Huntsman. Nitrogen uptake of shoots after anthesis decreased with halving. Early halving decreased nitrogen uptake to a lesser extent than did late halving in Splendeur in expt. 1 and in Hobbit, while it decreased nitrogen uptake more than late halving in Splendeur in expt. 2 and in Mans Huntsman.