A single base pair dominates over the novel identity of an Escherichia coli tyrosine tRNA in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

The Escherichia coli su+3 tyrosine tRNA was shown recently to be a leucine-specific tRNA in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This finding raises the possibility that some determinants for tRNA identity in E. coli may be different in S. cerevisiae. To investigate whether the fungal system is sensitive to the major determinant for alanine acceptance in E. coli, a single G3 . U70 base pair was introduced into the acceptor helix of the su+3 tyrosine tRNA. This substitution converts the identity of the E. coli suppressor in S. cerevisiae from leucine to alanine. Thus, as in E. coli, G3 . U70 is a strong determinant for alanine acceptance that can dominate over other features in a tRNA that might be recognized by alternative charging enzymes.