Brain cysticercosis treated with Praziquantel. Report of six cases

Cysticercosis is the most common parasitosis affecting the central nervous system and it is endemic in many countries. Although cysticercosis is nowadays a rare disease in Spain, three of such cases have been treated with Praziquantel at the Hospital “Princesa Sofia” of León and another three at the Hospital General de Galicia of Santiago, and the six of them are reported together. The six patients presented at CT scans cysts located at different levels in the brain parenchyma, subarachnoid space and ventricular system. Praziquantel was administrated at daily dosage of 50 mg per kilogram of body weight, by oral route, distributed in three doses during 15 days. Moderate hepatotoxic effect were detected in two cases. No significant neurological disfunction was observed in any case during the treatment. The therapeutic effect on the brain cysts was evaluated in the CT scans obtained after treatment. In four cases a positive effect on the cysts was observed, but no apparent effect was noticed in the other two.