Effects of MR exposure on akonal outgrowth in the sympathetic nervous system of the chick

The effects of MR exposure on the rate and specificlty of sympathetic preganglionic axonal outgrowth were examined in the chick embryo. Embryos were exposed to a static magnetic field of 1.5 T for 6 hours, 64 MHt RF field pulses, and a Switched magnetic field gradient of amplitude 0.6 G/cm for 4 hours. No significant difference in axonal outgrowth wm observed between MR-exposed and control embryos. In addition. the distributionr of several major extracellular matrix (ECM) molecules, lpmlnln, fibronectin, and collagen N, were examined. Immunoetaining patterns of these ECM molecules duxing axonal outgrowth showed no difference between MR-expored and control embryos. Our results suggert that the MR erporure conditions used in this study do not affect axonal outgrowth in the sympathetic nervous system of the chick.