Extra-nasopharyngeal extension of juvenile angiofibroma

Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma (NPA) is a highly vascular, infiltrative tumour that occurs exclusively in the nasopharynx of young males. It is of special interest on account of its serious complications, and the difficulties that are encountered at the time of treatment. Various surgical approaches have been mentioned for both naso- and extra-nasopharyngeal angiofibromas. But a massive extra-NPA involving the naso-spheno-oro-palato-maxillary-infratemporal region, orbit and cheek is difficult to treat adequately with any of the approaches so far described in the literature. In these cases, a more radical approach (constituting embolization and subsequent clamping or ligation of the external carotid artery followed by total maxillectomy) may be needed. These procedures will not only give a dry operative field but also adequate exposure to the different parts of the extension of the tumour, thereby facilitating complete removal without any risk of recurrence.

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