Absorption and Fluorescence Spectra of Riboflavin Tetrabutyrate in Various Solvents

Spectrophotometric and fluorimetric data for riboflavin-2′ 3′ 4′ 5′-tetrabutyrate dissolved in various solvents were reported. On changing the solvents from polar to non-polar ones, the peak of the fluorescence emission spectrum shifted to blue, and the characteristic feature of the absorption spectrum in 300–500 mμ region appeared with a minute peak at 472 mμ and a shoulder at 355 mμ. This peak and shoulder disappeared when the solvent was changed to that of polar type. These results were in good accord with that reported by Harbury et at. for 3-methyllumi-flavin, suggesting that the hydrogen bond through the third imino group, if it actually occurs, was not demonstrable by the absorption spectrum of isoalloxazine compounds in the range of 300–500 mμ. Importance of these facts in interpreting the mode of binding in flavoproteins was discussed.

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