The recently published fourth edition of the Stanford-Binet Scale should not be so entitled, since it is much more similar in structure and content to the Wechsler scales. It lacks the large variety of items and the flexibility of administration of the Terman-Binet tests. Its 15 subtests are grouped under four areas.sbd.Verbal, Nonverbal, Numerical, and Short-Term Memory.sbd.whose status as factors is dubious. There is inadequate evidence that differences between subtest or area scores are diagnostically significant. Though the test materials, and the reliabilities of subtests, are commendable, there are also some considerable weaknesses. Testers may find it difficult to learn the administrative details and to train new students, and thus may prefer to rely mainly on WISC.sbd.R and WAIS.sbd.R. The new scale is also more lengthy to give than its predecessors, though the authors do allow the use of abbreviated batteries.

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