Anatomical correlates of functional recovery in the avian inner ear following aminoglycoside ototoxicity

Tucci and Rubel have demonstrated functional recovery of the chick cochlea following aminoglycoside ototoxicity. The cochleae of these same animals were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in order to further understand this recovery process. Hatchling chicks were given daily doses of gentamicin for 10 days. Auditory-evoked potential measurements and examination of the cochlea by scanning electron microscopy were performed after survival periods of 5 days to 20 weeks. After 5 days of gentamicin exposure, there was near complete basal hair cell loss associated with a high-frequency hearing loss. Apical progression of damage with a broad-band hearing loss occurred over 4 weeks. At 20-weeks, hair cell counts were normal with a small high-frequency hearing loss. Hair cell regeneration played a major role in the functional recovery of the cochlea.