Homonyms as items in verbal discrimination learning and transfer.

In Exp. I, verbal discrimination (VD) lists composed of homonym word pairs as wrong (W) and right (R) items were more difficult to learn than a control list containing no homonym word pairs. Ss were 36 undergraduates. Moreover, an intrapair W-R homonym condition was less difficult to learn than an interpair W-R condition. Free recall measures of W and R items indicated that the intra- and interpiar conditions differed primarily in the process employed to "tag and collapse" pairs of items for use in the recognition of R items during VD practice. In Exp II, the W1-R1, W2-R1' VD transfer paradigm was employed with homonym words providing the R1-R1' relationship. Positive transfer, relative to the W1-R1, W2-R2 control, was found, but only when Ss were informed that List 2 contained items similar to List 1 items. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2006 APA, all rights reserved)

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