Changes in lipid peroxidation levels and lipid composition in the lungs, livers, kidneys and brains of mice treated with paraquat

We examined lipid peroxide levels and the lipid composition of homogenates prepared from the lungs, livers, kidneys and brains of 48 male ICR mice treated with 30 mg kg−1 paraquat (1,1′‐dimethyl‐4,4′‐bipyridylium dichloride). The mice were divided into eight groups, in which they were killed 0, 1.5, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48 and 120 h after the administration of paraquat. A significant increase in the lipid peroxide level was identified only in the liver. Change in lipid composition was identified in all the examined organs. However, the change was not a characteristic one in which there is a selective decrease of polyunsaturated fatty acids which become degraded in a lipid peroxidation reaction. It is possible that the mechanism of paraquat toxicity may differ in different organs.