The attenuation and dispersion of sound near the gas-liquid critical point are studied theoretically using the author's extended mode-mode coupling theory. The results differ in the different regions of the sound-wave frequency f expressed in a dimensionless unit and of ε, the dimensionless temperature distance from the critical point. The attenuation behaves as f2ε3να2 for 0fε3ν, and as f22p3ε3α2 for ε3νfεν, where p is the exponent which appears in the wave-number (k)-dependent correlation of the order parameter expressed as A1k2+η+A2ε1αk2+ηρ, when k is much greater than the inverse correlation range of critical fluctuations. The relative sound-velocity change with f behaves as f32ε9ν2 for 0fε3ν, as f12p3εα if p32, and as f0ε0 if p>32 for ε3νfεν+α2. The explicit expressions for the attenuation and dispersion are given for fε3ν.