The authors propose a new electromyogram generation and detection model. The volume conductor is described as a nonhomogeneous (layered) and anisotropic medium constituted by muscle, fat and skin tissues. The surface potential detected in space domain is obtained from the application of a two-dimensional spatial filter to the input current density source. The effects of electrode configuration, electrode size and inclination of the fibers with respect to the detection system are included in the transfer function of the filter. Computation of the signal in space domain is performed by applying the Radon transform; this permits to draw considerations about spectral dips and clear misunderstandings in previous theoretical derivations. The effects of generation and extinction of the action potentials at the fiber end plate and at the tendons are included by modeling the source current, without any approximation of its shape, as a function of space and time and by using again the Radon transform. The approach, based on the separation of the temporal and spatial properties of the muscle fiber action potential and of the volume conductor, includes the capacitive tissue properties.