Cephalhaematoma: A 10‐Year Review

Summary: The incidence of cephalhaematoma at the Mercy Maternity Hospital over a 10‐year period was 2.5%; of the 1,030 infants 68.4% were born to primiparas, 65.6% were males, the majority (91.1%) were between 37 and 42 weeks' gestation and 3,000 and 4,000 g birth‐weight (71.6%). Forceps delivery and vacuum extraction were associated with increased incidences of cephalhaematoma (5.1% and 22.9% respectively), and the incidence was slightly increased (3.8%) when a scalp electrode had been applied. Hyperbilirubinaemia was more prevalent (12.9%) in infants with a cephalhaematoma as was exchange transfusion (0.8%) and the need for phototherapy (4.9%).

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