Genetic Mapping of thepvr1Locus inCapsicumspp. and Evidence That Distinct Potyvirus Resistance Loci Control Responses That Differ at the Whole Plant and Cellular Levels

Two unlinked, recessive loci have been characterized in Capsicum spp. that independently confer distinct types of resistance to pepper mottle potyvirus (PepMoV). The first locus, from C. annuum cv. Avelar, affected the spread of PepMoV through the plant and had no discernible effect on tobacco etch potyvirus (HAT isolate; TEV-HAT) infection (J. F. Murphy and M. K. Kyle, Phytopathology 85:561-566, 1995). The second locus, found in C. chinense PI 159236 and PI 152225, interfered with PepMoV and TEV-HAT infection in plants and in isolated protoplasts. The resistant responses displayed by the C. chinense accessions to PepMoV and TEV-HAT appeared indistinguishable; however, these accessions were both susceptible to a second isolate of TEV, TEV-Mex21. We propose the symbols pvr1 for recessive PepMoV and TEV resistance from the C. chinense accessions and pvr3 for recessive PepMoV resistance from Avelar. pvr1 has been genetically mapped to a small linkage group with synteny to the short arm of tomato chromosome 3.