Liquid and semi-liquid media prepd. from egg yolk promote rapid and heavy growth of tubercle bacilli from small inocula. Growth will occur with inocula of about 10 organisms in (1) yolk diluted up to 1-100 with distilled water and autoclaved; (2) yolk diluted up to 1-2500 with a synthetic basal medium and autoclaved; (3) sterile raw yolk diluted up to 1-10,000 with basal medium; and (4) Coors filtrates of yolk infusions. With the heated mediums, the growth stimulating factors are associated with the coagulum. The phospholipid fraction is largely responsible for the growth stimulation. By first removing the acetone-soluble fats, water-clear extracts of egg yolk were prepd.; these also supported growth from small inocula.

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