By measuring the heats of reaction in cyclohexane of (i) titanium tetrachloride with ethanol, and (ii) titanium tetraethoxide with hydrogen chloride, the standard heat of formation of trimeric liquid titanium tetraethoxide ΔH°f[Ti(OC2H5)4, liq.]=–349±1.4 kcal/mole has been determined. This value was confirmed by measuring the heats of similar reactions in aqueous hydrochloric acid. The value obtained by measuring heats of reaction of acetylchloride with titanium tetraethoxide and of titanium tetrachloride with ethylacetate was not in good agreement. Estimates were made of the standard heat of formation of monomeric gaseous Ti(OC2H5)4(–325±2.4 kcal/mole) and the average bond dissociation energy text-decoration:overline D(101±2.1 kcal/mole) for the Ti—O bonds in this compound.