Isolation, characterization, and nucleotide sequence of IS1202, an insertion sequence of Streptococcus pneumoniae

A comparative hybridization protocol was used to isolate a small segment of DNA present in the Streptococcus pneumoniae type 19F strain SSZ but absent from strain Rx1, a nonencapsulated derivative of the type 2 strain D39. This segment of DNA is a 1,747-bp insertion sequence, designated IS1202, flanked by 23-bp imperfect inverted repeats and containing a single open reading frame sufficient to encode a 54.4-kDa polypeptide. A 27-bp target sequence is duplicated at either end of the element. IS1202 is not related to any of the currently known insertion elements and is the first reported for S. pneumoniae. Although found predominantly in type 19F strains in up to five copies, it has also been shown to be present in the chromosomes of pneumococci belonging to other serotypes. One of the four IS1202 copies in the encapsulated strain SSZ is located 1,009 bp downstream of the dexB gene, and transformation studies reveal that it is also closely linked to the type 19F capsular polysaccharide synthesis (cps) locus.