Physiology of two monocentric chytrids: comparative nutritional studies of Entophlyctis sp. and Entophlyctis aureus (Chytridiales)

This paper describes physiological characteristics of Entophlyctis sp. and Entophlyctis aureus Fisher. The two chytrids grew best at 20-25°C in a chemically defined medium, and at 20-30°C in nutrient solutions containing bactotryptone and glucose. The range of pH that supported good growth was 6.5-8.5. Both organisms utilized ammonium and nitrate nitrogen, several amino acids, and glucose, fructose, mannose, maltose, and raffinose. They were prototrophic with respect to vitamin requirements, and vitamin mixture at a concentration of 10 µg/mL inhibited growth. They are physiologically similar to Entophlyctis confervae-glomeratae (Cienkowski) Sparrow.Key words: Entophlyctis sp., Entophlyctis aureus, Entophlyctis confervae-glomeratae.