Evolution of Programmed DNA Rearrangements in a Scrambled Gene

Gene unscrambling in spirotrichous ciliates involves massive genome-wide DNA deletion and rearrangement events during development. During each sexual cycle, the somatic nucleus (macronucleus) regenerates from the germ line nucleus (micronucleus). Development of the polyploid somatic genome requires programmed DNA deletion of micronuclear-limited intragenic noncoding sequences and permutation and amplification of the protein-coding regions. Recent studies suggest that, despite novel insertions of endogenous transposon or foreign DNA into the germ line genome, ciliates possess a whole-genome surveillance system that guides the recapitulation of a functional somatic genome. This renders the germ line genome an extremely dynamic structure over evolutionary time. Here we describe the germ line and somatic architectures of the gene encoding α-telomere–binding protein in three early-diverging species (Holosticha sp., Uroleptus sp., and Paraurostyla weissei) and trace the natural history of DNA rearrangements in this gene in six species, including three previously studied oxytrichids. Comparisons of homologous coding regions between earlier and later diverging species provide evidence for fusion of scrambled germ line fragments as small as 24 bp during evolution, as well as simultaneous fragmentation and scrambling of the germ line locus and shifting of the boundaries between coding and noncoding DNA, leading to distinct gene architectures in each species. We infer an evolutionary recombination pathway that passes through identified intermediate species and gives rise to the observed patterns in all known species, capitalizing on their unique DNA rearrangement machinery and germ line flexibility.