Electrooculographic investigation of the caloric response

Sixteen normal subjects and 49 patients with intracranial disease were studied. Factors which influence or modify the caloric test in the normal subject are temperature of the stimulus, head position of the subject, gaze position of the eyes, fixation of the eyes, total darkness, eye closure, and amobarbital sodium. Ice water assures a constant stimulus temperature and produces a vigorous and long lasting response. The most constant features were the direction of the nystagmus, changes in the quality of the nystagmus with changes in the head position, and changes in the frequency of the nystagmus under different conditions. Caloric responses in patients with intracranial disease may be modified by: level of consciousness, presence of oculomotor abnormality, gaze paresis, and nystagmus, and presence of brain stem, 8th nerve, or vestibular diseases. Abnormal reactions in this group consisted of tonic deviation without nystagmus, tonic deviation with contralateral nystagmus, dissociated nystagmus, and no response.

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