Protein secretion in plants

Summary: Protein secretion is an ubiquitous but poorly understood process in plants. Secreted proteins are synthesized on the membranes of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and transported to the cell surface by secretary vesicles formed at the Golgi apparatus. Whereas many of the structural details of this process are known the mechanisms underlying secretion are just beginning to be understood, in this article we review some of the recent developments in this field, and we compare the progress made with animal and plant cells. CONTENTS Summary 567 I. Introduction 568 II. Proteins secreted by plants 568 III. Synthesis and post‐translational modification of secreted proteins 571 IV. Molecular requirements for secretion 576 V. Vehicles of secretory transport 581 VI. Regulation of secretion 585 VII. Conclusions and Perspective 587 Acknowledgements 588 References 588