Genetic Analyses of Resistance of Durum Wheat PI 428 435 to the Hessian Fly

Durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) has been a major source of resistance to the Hessian fly [Mayetiola destructor (Say)]. Plant introduction (PI) 428 435, BD1419BW28, was selected for genetic studies because of its high resistance to biotypes B, C, D, and L of the Hessian fly. Our objectives were to determine (i) the number genes in PI 428 435 that confer resistance to biotype D, and (ii) whether these genes are different from previously identified genes effective against biotype D. A plant selection out of PI 428 435 was made. Progeny from the plant selection, PI 428 435‐2‐2L, were used throughout this study, which was conducted in a growth chamber at 19 ± 2°C. The test cross data showed that a single dominant factor controls the resistance of PI 428 435 to biotype D. The data also indicated that this gene is different from all previously known factors for resistance to this biotype. This newly identified gene is designated H17. The linkage relationships with H9 and/or H10 suggest that H17 is also located on chromosome 5A. Additionally, the ‘Marquillo’ resistance is assigned gene symbol H18.