Thermal Lethality of Salmonella Senftenberg and Listeria innocua in Fully Cooked and Packaged Chicken Breast Strips via Steam Pasteurization

Fully cooked chicken breast strips were surface inoculated to contain 9 log10 (CFU/g) Salmonella Senftenberg or Listeria innocua. The inoculated products were vacuum packaged in 0.2-mm-thick barrier bags (241 by 114 mm), then steam pasteurized at 88°C in a continuous process for 26 to 40 min or in a batch process for 33 to 41 min. After the treatments, the products were analyzed for the survivors of Salmonella or Listeria. The models were developed to correlate the surviving rate of Salmonella and Listeria with cooking time for both continuous and batch processes. A cooking time of 34 min was needed to achieve 7 logs of the reduction in a batch process. To achieve the same log reduction, a longer (6 min) cooking time was needed in a batch process than in a continuous process. The results from this study will be useful for processors to evaluate postcooking treatment procedures for ready-to-eat meat products.