The effects of streptozotocin diabetes on tissue specific lipase activities in the rat

Fasting in normal rats produced a fall in hepatic triglyceride lipase (H‐TGL) activity as well as lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activities of adipose tissue and psoas minor muscle. On the other hand, LPL activities of heart and diaphragm were not decreased by fasting; the former, in fact, was increased significantly. Changes in tissue specific lipase activity caused by withdrawal of insulin from insulin‐treated diabetic animals paralleled in direction the changes induced by starvation of normal rats. Furthermore, it was shown in the present paper that the tissue specific lipase activity of diabetic rats became stuck in the starve phase of the starve‐feed cycle regardless of dietary intake. The changes of the tissue specific lipase activities, especially of liver, adipose tissue and heart, appeared to coincide with those of plasma insulin levels. These results strongly suggest that the tissue specific lipase system is under hormonal regulation by insulin. Streptozotocin diabetes produced hypertriglyceridemia. The possible mechanism of the hypertriglyceridemia in diabetic animals was discussed in connection with the role of the tissue specific lipase system in the serum triglyceride metabolism.