Pollination biology of yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis) in California

Various facets of the pollination biology affecting achene production of Centaurea solstitialis L. were examined. Production of viable achenes commenced in capitula bagged or excised in the late flowering stage (F-2 midstage). In all studies in which capitula were prevented from crossing, only one plant had a high level of achene production, all others producing either a few achenes or none at all. Achene production in plants allowed to cross was high and significantly greater than in plants prevented from crossing. Persistent low levels of self-fertilization in most plants indicated that there was selection against inbreeding. The pollen presentation mechanism for C. solstitialis was similar to that of other Centaurea spp. described previously. The most commonly observed insect visitors of yellow starthistle capitula were Hymenoptera spp., especially the European honeybee. Keywords: Centaurea, pollination, yellow starthistle.