Thiabendazole in hookworm infection

Thiabendazole was administered orally to 100 patients infected with hookworms, 6 0% harboured Ancylostomaduodenale and 40% Nicator americanus. The mean ova count/gr of feces was 7178 ? 5166. Five dosage schedules were tried, and therapeutic efficiency was assessed by finding out the percentage reduction in egg count. With 100 nig./kg as a single dose and 50 mg./ kg. daily for 3 consecutive days there was complete eradication of bookworm ova in 95% of the cases, but drug reactions such as severe dizziness, nausea and vomiting occurred in most cases. With doses of 50 mg/kg as a single dose and 25 mg/kg twice a day on 2 consecutive days there was complete reduction''of ova in 30% of cases, and the side effects were less frequent. The best results were obtained with 25 mg/kg daily lor 3 consecutive days, were 75% of cases showed complete disappearance of eggs and the mean reduction was 92.3%. The side effects were negligible with this dosage schedule.

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