Gamma rays inSm148from the decay ofEu148and the(α146,2nγ) reaction

High resolution singles and coincidence measurements have been made on gamma rays from the decay of Eu148. On the basis of extensive γ-γ coincidence data, several new placements for transitions have been found. In addition, new weak γ rays have been discovered. The present study has produced a revision of the previously proposed decay schemes for almost every level above the first four excited states. Previously reported levels at 1972, 2173, 2208, 2313, 2633, 2647, and 2752 keV have been discarded for lack of confirmatory evidence. New levels are proposed at 2128, 2532, 2584, 2702, and 2727 keV. For levels at 1733, 1895, 2031, 2096, 2111, 2147, 2214, 2228, 2327, 2490, 2524, 2641, 2723, 2802, and 2831 keV, γ-γ angular correlation studies have been carried out on 22 cascades to confirm Jπ assignments and deduce mixing ratios of the transitions concerned. A complementary study of gamma rays and conversion electrons from the (α146,2nγ) reaction at 26 MeV has been carried out. Singles, γ-γ coincidence, and γ-ray angular distribution measurements were made to provide information on high-spin states in the Sm148 nucleus.