The local treatment of various infective processes of the eye with sulfonamide compounds has been reported, but the results obtained have not been uniform.1According to Bellows,1ctopical application of sulfonamide compounds is "effective in pyogenic dermatoses, infectious blepharitis, inclusion blennorrhea, and some forms of acute conjunctivitis." These substances also have been used locally in prophylactic treatment and in therapy of open surgical wounds subject to contamination with micro-organisms.2According to Long3"sulfonamide ointments are of value in the treatment of infected wounds." The local application of crystalline sulfonamide compounds has been recommended for the treatment of war wounds, in which infections with gas bacilli, staphylococci or hemolytic streptococci are likely to occur.4Recently, the use of sulfanilamide and its derivatives, either in the form of powders or incorporated in ointments, has been suggested for the treatment of fractures of the orbital walls and of