6-k/spl Omega/, 43-Gb/s differential transimpedance-limiting amplifier with auto-zero feedback and high dynamic range

A high-gain, 43-Gb/s InP HBT transimpedance-limiting-amplifier (TIALA) with 100-/spl mu/A/sub pp/ sensitivity and 4.5-mA/sub pp/ input overload current is presented. The circuit also operates as a limiting amplifier with 40-dB differential gain, better than -15-dB input return loss, and a record-breaking sensitivity of 8 mV/sub pp/ at 43 Gb/s. It features a differential TIA stage with inductive noise suppression in the feedback network and consumes less than 450-mW from a single 3.3-V supply. The TIALA has 6-k/spl Omega/ (76 dB/spl Omega/) differential transimpedance gain, 35-GHz bandwidth, and comprises the transimpedance and limiting gain functions, an auto-zero DC feedback circuit, signal level monitor and slicing level adjust functions. Other important features include 45-dB isolation and 800-mV/sub pp/ differential output.

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