The Response of Uracil-2- 14 C to X-Irradiation under Nitrogen and Oxygen and to Treatment with Ascorbic Acid

The following compounds were produced when solutions of uracil-14C were irradiated with X-rays dihydrouracil, 6-hydroxy-5-hydrouracil (under N2 but not O2), isobarbituric acid, cis- and trans- glycols of uracil, alloxan, alloxantin, and dialuric acid. When uracil was treated with ascorbic acid-FeSO4, the results were similar in many respects to those obtained after X-irradiation except that more dihydrouracil was produced relative to the more oxidized products (glycols, etc.), as compared to the results after X-irradiation. Auto-irradiation of an aged sample of uracil-3H also mimicked in certain respects the effect of X-irradiation on uracil. The major products identified were the cis- and trans-glycols of uracil.