Internal Bremsstrahlung Spectrum Accompanying 1S Electron Capture in Decay of Fe55, Cs131, and Tl204

The internal bremsstrahlung spectra in coincidence with the K x rays resulting from 1S electron capture in Fe55 and Cs131 have been measured. The results are in good agreement with Martin and Glauber's revised calculations including relativistic and screening effects. The shape of the coincidence spectra exhibits a maximum at the predicted energy and then drops off in intensity toward the low-energy region. This is markedly different from that of the total bremsstrahlung spectrum, which rises continuously toward the low-energy region. In the case of Cs131, the shape of the bremsstrahlung spectrum pertaining to the radiative capture of P electrons as obtained by subtracting from the total spectrum the spectrum due to S-electron capture is also in good accord with that predicted. An estimate of the total probability for bremsstrahlung production during 1S electron capture as obtained by comparing the corresponding bremsstrahlung spectrum with the x-ray intensity gives (1.5±0.8)×105 for Fe55 and (1.4±1)×105 for Cs131, which is in fair agreement with the theoretical prediction including relativistic corrections. The end point of the 1S electron capture bremsstrahlung spectrum of Tl204 was also measured and found to be 310±10 kev.

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