Topography of the projection from the central complex of the thalamus to the sensorimotor striatal territory in monkeys

The distribution of axons arising from the central complex (or centre médian‐parafascicular complex) and terminating in the striatum was studied in seven macaques and one squirrel monkey. Deposits of anterograde tracers were made in the two lateral‐most subdivisions of the central complex, i.e., the middle part (or pars media) and the lateral part (or pars paralateralis). All injections avoided the pars parafascicularis. The intrastriatal distribution of labeled axonal endings was mapped in relation to the standard ventricular (CA‐CP) system of coordinates. Labeled endings were observed in the major posterior and dorsal parts of the putamen (excluding its anteromedial and ventral parts) and also in a restricted ventrolateral part of the caudate nucleus. The topography of the central territory of the striatum, denned as the striatal space receiving axons from the central complex, was found to correspond exactly to that of the cortical sensorimotor territory delineated after cortical injections. The termination pattern of the central axons within the striatum was patchy. Viewed as a whole, the irregular and hazy patches formed oblique streaks, parallel one with the other. The three‐dimensional reconstructions of data from transverse sections revealed that the streaks were bi‐dimensional pictures of three‐dimensional parasagittal layers covering the whole anteroposterior extent of the cortical sensorimotor territory of the striatum. Our work shows that the pars media of the central complex, which receives selectively pallidal afferent axons (Francois et al., '88: Brain Res. 473:181–186), is the main source of the centroputaminal projection. The probable implication of this in a closed sensorimotor loop of the basal ganglia is discussed.