Haemogregarines in Snakes: The Incidence and Identity of the Erythrocytic Stages

Examination of over 600 snakes in 3 midwestern zoos showed the incidence of haemogregarines in the erythrocytes of these specimens to be 30.8%. The incidence of parasites is not significantly related to the geographical origin of the snakes; percent incidence of haemogregarines was highest in 3 snake genera (Lampropeltis, Elaphe, Ancistrodon). The degree of infection in individual specimens varied from less than 0.1% of the circulating erythrocytes to as high as 82.4%. Cytological comparisons and statistical evaluation of the parasite dimensions indicates that all of the haemogregarines encountered are members of 1 protozoan species no matter what snake genus or species they were found in. The unstable taxonomic situation regarding protozoan hematozoa and the possibility that the parasites observed in this survey should be identified in genus Hepatozoon is discussed.

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