The surgical therapy of coarctation of the aorta consists of resection of the narrowed segment and reestablishment of continuity of the vessel by end-to-end anastomosis or the insertion of a graft. Certain complications may be expected because of the nature of the surgery: hemorrhage, aneurysm formation, rupture of the anastomosis, infection. Another, which is due primarily to the success of the operation, is a peculiar obstruction in the network of small vessels supplying the lower body organs. The peripheral manifestations relate chiefly to involvement of the intestine, and it is with these that this communication is concerned. Report of Cases Case1.—A boy, aged 5, was admitted to Hahnemann Hospital on June 5, 1950. Two months earlier a diagnosis of coarctation of the aorta had been made. There had been no symptoms. On physical examination the carotid arteries pulsated prominently. There was slight enlargement of the heart to the left.