Urinary estriol, estrone and 17[beta]-oestradiol have been estimated in 15 women having live anencephalic fetuses. The low results obtained confirm those found by other workers. The estriol, estrone and 17[beta]- estradiol in the amniotic fluid of live anencephalic fetuses have been measured in 8 patients. It is suggested that the low levels obtained reflect the relative lack of participation in estrogen metabolism by a fetus with hypoplastic adrenal glands. In 4 patients, the effect of intra-amniotically injected sodium dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate was studied. In each patient there was a rise in urinary estriol; urinary estrone and 17 [beta]-estradiol rose in 3 patients. In the liquor amnii only a rise in estriol was detected. The possible significance of these findings are discussed.