Insulin molecules were covalently attached to detergent-solubilized Sendai virus envelope glycoproteins (HN and F polypeptides) by the use of the crosslinking reagent succinimidyl 4-(p-maleimidophenyl)butyrate (SMPB). Reconstitution of modified viral glycoproteins (carrying covalently attached insulin) together with unmodified viral glycoproteins resulted in the formation of "fusogenic" viral envelopes bearing insulin molecules. Reconstitution of such fusogenic viral envelopes in the presence of ricin A or simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA resulted in the formation of viral envelopes bearing insulin molecules and loaded with ricin A or SV40 DNA. Such viral envelopes were able to bind to hepatoma tissue culture cells (HTCC) from which Sendai virus receptorswere removed by treatment with neuraminidase. Incubation of viral envelopes loaded with ricin A with virus receptor-depleted HTCC resulted in fusion-mediated injection of the toxin, as inferred from inhibition of protein synthesis and decrease in cell viability of the microinjected cells. Fusion-mediated injection of SV40 DNA was inferred from the appearance of SV40 tumor antigen in microinjected cells. Binding and fusion of the loaded viral envelopes to neuraminidase-treated HTCC was mediated solely by the virus-associated insulin molecules. Addition of free insulin molecules inhibited binding of the viral envelopes and, consequently, the microinjection of ricin A and SV40 DNA.