ESR of γ-irradiated DI-, TRI- and poly-glycin

The effects of γ radiation on glycylglycine, triglycine, and polyglycine have been studied using ESR spectroscopy. The radiation exposures have been performed under vacuum at room temperature. All those irradiated substances show a doublet absorption signal often ascribed to a radical formed on the α carbon of the peptide chain. The magnetic susceptibility has been found to depend on temperature according to the Curie-Weiss law. The radio-sensitivity parameter Gr , the hyperfine splitting constant Ah and the spectroscopic factor g nave been determinated as well as θ which is the temperature corresponding to the Curie temperature of the irradiated substance. The results on Cr , θ and Ah for all peptides studied here agree with the assumption of radiation induced free radicals located at the α carbon of the peptide chain, leading to conclude that the degree of delocalization of the unpaired electron increases for increasing number of glycine units in the peptide. Finally, from negative θ values obtained, a conclusion has been reached on the antiferromagnetic nature of the interaction between unpaired spins.