P-glycoprotein expression in locally advanced breast cancer treated by neoadjuvant chemotherapy

Using immunohistochemistry and the monoclonal antibody C219 we have investigated P-glycoprotein expression in 26 locally advanced breast cancers. Twenty four patients had received four cycles of chemotherapy (mitozantrone, mitomycin-C and methotrexate) prior to mastectomy; two received tamoxifen. Twelve tumours exhibited an objective response to the chemotherapy. A background pattern of isolated weakly positive (1+) stromal staining (myofibroblast) was observed in seven tumours, two of which had been treated by tamoxifen alone. Two of the tumours treated by induction chemotherapy showed positive staining (1+) within a very small number of isolated tumour cells (maximum of three) and macrophages. The significance of this staining is not clear although C219 may simply be cross reacting with myosin. We have failed to demonstrate a clear clinical utility for C219 in breast cancer, particularly regarding the identification of patients in whom MDR chemotherapy be avoided once metastases develop.