The aetiology of oligomenorrhoea and/or hirsuties: a study of 467 patients

An analysis of 467 patients with oligomenorrhoea and/or hirsuties in respect to duration of the menstrual cycle, body hair growth, ovarian size and the presence of psychological factors has revealed some useful pointers to diagnosis in this syndrome. Some 70% probably suffered from polycystic ovarian disease. Hirsuties and post-pill amenorrhoea are strong pointers to such a diagnosis. Some 10% of the cases may have been psychogenic in origin and are notably found among non-hirsute patients with normal sized ovaries. Another 10% may have been physiological in nature. All other disorders accounted for no more than 10% of the cases. Anorexia nervosa and ovarian dysgenesis are particularly to be found among amenorrhoeic, non-hirsute patients with normal sized (or small) ovaries accounting for no less than 37% of this group in our series.