Peripheral carcinoid tumor of the lung with focal melanin production

A case of carcinoid tumor of the lung with focal melanin production was encountered in a 56 year old Japanese woman. The tumor was found 16 years previously by mass survey chest X‐ray and had enlarged two‐fold in the intervening period. The tumor consisted of a variety of tumor cells showing a spindle, polygonal and pleomorphic appearance with abundant vasculature in the stroma. All tumor cells showed argyrophilia, together with a few showing argent‐affinity. Melanin‐containing tumor cells were also present in parts. Ultrastructurally, most tumor cells possessed various numbers of neurosecretory granules and a few of them contained granular type rnelanosomes. Tumor cells were connected with desmosomes and a few of them contained tonofilament‐like microfilaments. Only a few contained both neurosecretory granules and melanin. By immunohistochemistry, serotonin, metenkephalin and β‐endorphin positive cells were observed scattered throughout the tumor. A few tumor cells positive for tyrosine hydroxylase were also detected. Additionally, most tumor cells were positive for keratin. On the basis of these findings, the tumor of the current case is a pulmonary carcinoid tumor with focal melanin production.