Time Course of Ozone-induced Neutrophilia in Normal Humans

Five normal human subjects were exposed for 1 h to filtered air (FA) once and to 0.3 ppm O3 on 3 separate days. Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid was obtained less than 1 h after FA and either less than 1, 6, or 24 h after O3 exposure. FEV1 was measured before the exposures and the BAL. The first aliquot [proximal airway (PA) sample] was analyzed separately from the pooled Aliquots 2 through 4 [distal airway and alveolar surface (DAAS) sample]. The data from the PA and DAAS samples were then combined to calculate the values that would have been obtained by pooling all BAL washes. FEV1 was significantly (p less than 0.05) decreased 1 h after O3 exposure, but it returned to preexposure values at 6 and 24 h after O3. The percent of neutrophils in the PA sample was significantly elevated at less than 1 h (3.7%) at 6 h (16.5%), and at 24 h (9.2%) after O3. The percent of neutrophils in the DAAS sample and calculated pooled values were significantly elevated at 6 h (4.1 and 7.6%) and at 24 h (5.1 and 5.8%) after O3. These data demonstrate that O3-induced symptoms, FEV1 decrements, and airway neutrophilia follow different time courses and indicate that the pooling of BAL washes may obscure the detection of an O3-induced bronchiolitis. The degree of neutrophilia in the BAL did not correlate with the sensitivity of the individual subjects when measured by acute changes in FEV1, suggesting a dichotomy of pathways that result in O3-induced airway neutrophilia and pulmonary function decrements.