Gated magnetic resonance imaging of the normal and diseased heart.

Gated cardiac magnetic resonance (MR) images were obtained in 2 normal volunteers and 21 adults with a variety of cardiovascular abnormalities. The images were correlated with data from clinical examinations, ECG and cardiac catheterization. Gated cardiac images were superior to nongated images. Combined cardiac and respiratory gated images were superior to images obtained with cardiac gating only, but acquisition time was longer. Portions of the coronary arteries were visualized in 7 of 23 examinations (30%), and subacute and old myocardial infarcts were seen in 5 of 9 patients (55%) as areas of thinned myocardium. No signal changes were observed in the patients with subacute infarctions or the patient with myocarditis. Coronary atherosclerotic lesions were not visualized in any of the patients. Normal cardiac anatomy (chambers, valves and papillary muscles) was well visualized. Examples of aortic stenosis and atherosclerosis of the abdominal aorta are shown.