Fibropolycystic disease of the hepatobiliary system and kidneys

This complicated case of fibropolycystic disease of the hepatobiliary system and kidneys was ably and incisively analyzed by Professor Sheila Sherlock. Her clinical acumen was revealed by her ability to differentiate congenital hepatic fibrosis, Caroli's disease, and adult polycystic disease of the liver and kidney. Interesting histologic features of this case included hepatic fibrosis with intact limiting plates anc central veins and the presence of bile plugs in the ducts, but the absence of bile statsis in the parenchyma. A percutaneous transhepatic cholangiogram demonstrated the dilated intrahepatic and extrahepatic ducts. Washing out the "gunk" from the biliary tract by T-tube drainage has great limitations in this type of case. Therefore, Dr. Adson suggested irrigation of the biliary ductal system using tubed placed transhepatically, plus a wide choledojejunostomy. Dr. Sherlock questioned this surgical approach. The use of chenodeoxycholic acid for this "gunk" was suggested. In spite of the dilated ducts and pathologic changes in the liver, the patient was not jandiced and did not have stones in her biliary tract. The genetics of this patient's problems was discussed.