Epidemiologic and Clinical Features of Patients Infected with Shigella Who Attended a Diarrheal Disease Hospital in Bangladesh

The epidemiologic and clinical characteristics of 412 patients infected with Shigella from a systematic sample of ∼100,000 patients attending Dacca Hospital, International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh, between December 1, 1979, and November 30, 1980, were reviewed. Shigella was isolated from 11.6% of the 3,550 patients in the sample and was the second most common isolate in patients over two years old. Two clinical presentations of shigellosis were found: (1) watery diarrhea occurring in younger children and associated with a shorter duration of illness and with more vomiting and dehydration and (2) dysentery with stool blood and abdominal pain. These different presentations may reflect two mechanisms in the pathogenesis of shigellosis or different stages of the disease. The most useful signs and symptoms for the diagnosis of shigellosis were stool with blood and abdominal pain in all patients and the absence of watery diarrhea and vomiting in patients over one year old. Simple visual inspection of stool for blood correctly identified 44% of all patients infected with Shigella.