Movement of Walleye, Stizostedion vitreum, in Lake Bemidji, Minnesota as Determined by Radio-biotelemetry

The daily and seasonal movements of the walleye S. vitreum were studied by use of a VHF radio-tag system for 3 seasons each year during 1973 and 1974 in Lake Bemidji, a large eutrophic lake in north central Minnesota [USA]. The walleye moved parallel to the shore and did not show a diel on-shore and off-shore movement pattern. Submerged projections on the lake bottom such as rock bars or spits tended to serve as boundaries of the ranges within which the test fish moved. Large movements of tagged fish coincided with extensive periods of heavy cloud cover and precipitation. Wind speed and direction also appeared to influence fish movement especially when the fetch was large. Marked daily changes in water temperature and dissolved O2 concentration did not occur and, thus, had little effect on the movement of test fish. There were slight seasonal changes in the extent of the daily movement of test fish, but the depth ranges shown by the tagged fish did not change greatly for each season.

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