Quantum-theoretical expressions are obtained in Section II for energy-intervals among the levels belonging to related II3 and II1 states of any diatomic molecule, for partial Ω, ω (J, j-like) coupling. A theoretical expression is also obtained for the relative intensities of spectroscopic transitions from a Σ1 to the Π13 and Π1 states. The effect of partial case c coupling (persistence of separate-atom J quantization) on the foregoing relations is studied in Section III. Equations are obtained which (together with equations of Van Vleck) permit computation of case c displacements of certain energy levels of the halogen molecules. The foregoing relations are applied in Sections IV and V to a refinement of the existing interpretations of the long wave-length absorption spectra of the diatomic halogen molecules (cf. Tables II, III). In the case of bromine, it is found impossible to decide between two alternative interpretations; suggestions are made for further work that could lead to a decision. Information is obtained bearing on the strength of the dissociation continuum overlying the bands in Cl2, Br2, and I2, on the positions of the Π1 and Π0u3 potential energy curves in I2 and on the cause of magnetic predissociation in I2. The desirability of quantitative measurement of the infra-red continuum of iodine and careful remeasurement of the visible continuum of iodine chloride are mentioned. Two mechanisms (proposed by Van Vleck and the writer) for explaining the remarkably high intensity of the Σ1Π0+3 component in the halogen spectra are examined in Section VI. Both give calculated intensities approaching the observed in order of magnitude. The weak λ2250 bromine continuum is discussed in Section VIII; its occurrence and intensity seem to be explainable by a case-c-allowed intersystem combination.