Vertical Gaze Direction and the Resting Posture of the Eyes

With horizontal gaze, the resting posture of binocular vergence typically corresponds to a distance of about 1 m. The effect of vertical direction of gaze on this basic resting posture was investigated. The dark vergence of twenty-four subjects was measured while they fixated a dim monocular light-point at vertical directions ranging from −45° (lowered) to +30° (elevated). In one condition, gaze was varied by changes in eye position with the head held upright; in a second condition, gaze was varied by changes in head inclination with the eyes held in constant (horizontal) position with respect to the head. In both conditions, dark vergence shifted in the convergent (nearer) direction with lowered gaze and in the divergent (farther) direction with elevated gaze. The effect of varied eye inclination was larger, more variable across subjects, and more stable over time than that of varied head inclination. These findings indicate that multiple mechanisms contribute to gaze-related variations of the resting posture of the eyes. They may help to explain the variations of space perception and visual fatigue that are observed with different gaze inclinations.