Do oculomotor neuroblasts migrate across the midline in the fetal rat brain?

Toluidine blue-stained semithin sections and Cajal-Castro preparations are used to study in rat fetuses whether oculomotor neuroblasts migrate across the midline at a certain period of development. In confirmation of previous studies, a group of oculomotor neuroblasts was detected which first grow cytoplasmic processes into the mesencephalic midline, and afterwards translocate their somata towards the midline, between the 12th and the 15th days of gestation. At this moment a midline mass of neuroblasts characterizes the meeting at this landmark of both left and right migrating neuroblastic groups. No crossing oculomotor axons yet are demonstrable with reduced silver techniques. In further stages of development the neuroblasts continue their migration until they arrive at the contralateral nucleus at the 16th and 17th day of gestation. At the midline the mass of neuroblasts disappears gradually and crossed oculomotor axons become visible. The electron microscope was then used to study ultrastructurally the migrating motoneurons. It was discovered that no preexisting structure guides their movement by contact. Their leading processes show no filopodial activity, and contain abundant microtubules and thick bundles of neurofilaments in eccentric position. The neuroblasts carry their axon across the midline as a trailing process.