Human cerebral potentials evoked by CO2 laser stimuli causing pain

Brief radiant heat pulses, generated by a CO2 laser, were used to activate slowly conducting afferents in the hairy skin in man. In order to isolate C-fibre responses a preferential A-fibre block was applied by pressure to the radial nerve at the wrist. Stimulus estimation and evoked cerebral potentials (EP), as well as reaction times, motor and sudomotor activity were recorded in response to each stimulus. With intact nerve, the single supra-threshold stimulus induced a double pain sensation: A first sharp and stinging component (mean reaction time 480 ms) was followed by a second burning component lasting for seconds (mean reaction time 1350 ms). Under A-fibre block only one sensation remained with characteristics and latencies of second pain. The heat pulse evoked potential consisted of a late vertex negativity at 240 ms (N240) followed by a prominent late positive peak at 370 ms (P370). Later activity was not reliably present. Under A-fibre block this late EP was replaced by an ultralate EP beyond 1000 ms, which in the conventional average looked like a slow halfwave of 800 ms duration. This potential was distinct from eye movements, skin potentials or muscle artefacts. With cross-correlation methods waveforms similar to the N240/P370 were detected in the latency range from 900 to 1500 ms during A-fibre block, indicating a much greater latency jitter of the ultralate EP. Latency corrected averaging with a modified Woody filter yielded a grand mean ultralate EP (N1050/P1250), the shape of which was surprisingly similar to the late EP (N240/P370). The similarity of these components indicates that both EPs may be secondary responses to afferent input into neural centers, onto which myelinated and unmyelinated fibres converge. Such convergence may also explain through the known mechanisms of short term habituation and selective attention, why ultralate EPs are not reliably present without peripheral nerve block.